Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank

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Jesus says this to his followers after telling them what is will be like when he returns. 


Luke 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;


Luke 17:28 “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building.


Same as it happened in the days of Lot: they ate; they drank; they bought; they sold; they implanted seed; they constructed.


Jesus drops the "marrying" and "giving in marriages" used in Noah from the story of Lot because Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities involved, were famously immoral. Jesus refers to this somewhat subtly in that word translated as "planted" which primarily means "to beget", that is, implanted their seed. The word also means to plant but only as a double meaning. 


We can marry or scatter seed. 




ὁμοίως καθὼς ἐγένετο        ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις     Λώτ: ἤσθιον,   ἔπινον,        ἠγόραζον,   ἐπώλουν 
Same    as         it happened in the   days      of Lot:   they ate; they drank; they bought; they sold; 

 ἐφύτευον,                 ᾠκοδόμουν
they implanted seed; they constructed.


Likewise also as it was(WW) in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted(MM), they builded;

  • WW --Wrong Word -- The word translated as "be" should be something more like "happen".
  • MM -- Many Meanings -- This word has several different meanings that work here and is a form of wordplay.

“It was(WW)the same (MW) in the days of Lot. People(IW) were eating(WF) and(IW) drinking(WF), buying(WF)  and(IW) selling(WF), planting(WF)  and(IW) building(WF).

  • WW --Wrong Word -- The word translated as "be" should be something more like "happen".
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "as"  after "same" is not shown in the English translation.
  •  IW - Inserted Word-- The "people" doesn't exist in the source.
  • WF -- Wrong Form -  This is not a participle,  but an active verb, "ate".
  •  IW - Inserted Word-- The "and " doesn't exist in the source.
  •  WF -- Wrong Form -  This is not a participle,  but an active verb, "drank". 
  •  IW - Inserted Word-- The "people" doesn't exist in the source.
  • WF -- Wrong Form -  This is not a participle,  but an active verb, "bought". 
  •  IW - Inserted Word-- The "and " doesn't exist in the source.
  •  WF -- Wrong Form -  This is not a participle,  but an active verb, "sold".
  • MM -- Many Meanings -- This word has several different meanings that work here and is a form of wordplay.
  • WF -- Wrong Form -  This is not a participle,  but an active verb, "fathered". 
  •  IW - Inserted Word-- The "and " doesn't exist in the source.
  •  WF -- Wrong Form -  This is not a participle,  but an active verb, "built".

Likewise -- The word translated as "likewise" is an adjective that means "like", "resembling" and "matching".

also -- (OS) There is nothing in the Greek that can be translated as this in the source we use today but it does exist in the source that the KJV translators used.  OS -- Outdated Source -- The Greek word translated as "behold" existed in the KJV Greek source but not the source we use today.

as -- "As" is from a Greek word that means which means "even as", "how" and, in relating to time, "as" and "when".

it -- This is from the third-person, singular form of the verb.

was -- (WW) The word translated as "be" means "to become", that is, to enter into a new state. When applied to events, this word means "to happen", "to occur" or "take place". Sometimes, "arises" works best when the subject comes into being. For things, it can be "to be produced". When the participle takes a predicate, the sense is "coming into" something. The form of the verb's object can indicate the time or to whom it "happens". This is not the specific meaning of the word in this situation. 

 in  -- The word translated as "in" means "in", "on", "within", "among", "by" (near), "by" (as an instrument), "during" (time),  or "among", with an indirect-object form object. About time, it means "during the time", "in the time", "within" and "in". With the direct object form, it means "into", "on" and "for". 

the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, "the", which usually precedes a noun or changes the word it precedes (adjective, infinitive, participle, etc.) to act like a noun. The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those") than the English "the". See this article for more. 

days-- The Greek word translated as "day" also means "time" in general, and refers specifically to the "daytime".

 of -- The Hebrew word has no word ending to show its role in the sentences but must be assumed from the context.

Lot; -- "Lot" is the Hebrew name. 

they -- This is from the third-person, plural form of the verb.

did -- This helping verb is used to create questions, commands, negative statements, and smooth word flow in English.

eat, -- The word translated as "eat" means "eat" but it also means "fret", as we say "something is eating me up".

they -- This is from the third-person, plural form of the verb.

 drank,  -- The word "drink" is the Greek for meaning to "drink". It also has a double meaning. "To drink" also means "to celebrate".

they -- This is from the third-person, plural form of the verb.

bought,   -- "Bought" is a verb that Jesus only uses nine times that means "to occupy a marketplace", "to buy in the market" and "to buy for oneself". Jesus always seems to use it in the sense of "buy for oneself".

they -- This is from the third-person, plural form of the verb.

sold,  -- "Sold" is a word that means "to sell" and "to exchange". When this word is applied to people (as it is metaphorically here), it means "to betray" or "to give up".

they -- This is from the third-person, plural form of the verb.

planted,  - - (MM) "Planted" is from a verb which means "beget", "engender", generally, "produce", "bring about", "cause" (mostly of evils), "implant in", "to plant" (especially trees), "to set-up", and specifically, "to plant with trees". When used as a noun, means "father" or, in plural, "parents". This word has several different meanings that work here and is a form of wordplay.

they -- This is from the third-person, plural form of the verb.

builded; --- "Build" is a word that specifically means "build a house", generally, "build", "fashion", "found upon" and, metaphorically, "build up" and "edify". The English word "construct" may come closest.


It -- This is from the third-person, singular form of the verb.

was -- (WW) The word translated as "be" means "to become", that is, to enter into a new state. When applied to events, this word means "to happen", "to occur" or "take place". Sometimes, "arises" works best when the subject comes into being. For things, it can be "to be produced". When the participle takes a predicate, the sense is "coming into" something. The form of the verb's object can indicate the time or to whom it "happens". This is not the specific meaning of the word in this situation. 

the same -- The word translated as "the same" is an adjective that means "like", "resembling" and "matching".

missing "as"  -- (MW) The untranslated word "even as", "how" and, in relating to time, "as" and "when".

 in  -- The word translated as "in" means "in", "on", "within", "among", "by" (near), "by" (as an instrument), "during" (time), or "among" with an indirect-object form object.  About time, it means "during the time", "in the time", "within", and "in". With the direct object form, it means "into", "on" and "for". 

the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, "the", which usually precedes a noun or changes the word it precedes (adjective, infinitive, participle, etc.) to act like a noun. The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those") than the English "the". See this article for more. 

days-- The Greek word translated as "day" also means "time" in general, and refers specifically to the "daytime".

 of -- The Hebrew word has no word ending to show its role in the sentences but must be assumed from the context.

Lot; -- "Lot" is the Hebrew name. 

People -- -- (IW) This word is not in the Greek source.

were  --  This helping verb indicates the past tense of the verb. 

eating, -- (WF) The word translated as "eat" means "eat" but it also means "fret", as we say "something is eating me up". This is not a participle forming a progressive or continuous tense, but an active verb, "ate".

and -- (IW) This word is not in the Greek source. IW - Inserted Word-- The "and" doesn't exist in the source.

drinking,  --  (WF) The word "drink" is the Greek for meaning to "drink". It also has a double meaning. "To drink" also means "to celebrate". This is not a participle forming a progressive or continuous tense,  but an active verb, "drank".

buying , -- (WF) "Buying" is a verb that Jesus only uses nine times that means "to occupy a marketplace", "to buy in the market" and "to buy for oneself". Jesus always seems to use it in the sense of "buy for oneself".  This is not a participle forming a progressive or continuous tense,  but an active verb, "bought".

and -- (IW) This word is not in the Greek source. IW - Inserted Word-- The "and" doesn't exist in the source.

selling,  --  (WF)  -- "Selling" is a word that means "to sell" and "to exchange". When this word is applied to people (as it is metaphorically here), it means "to betray" or "to give up". This is not a participle forming a progressive or continuous tense,  but an active verb, "sold".

planting ,  - - (MM, WF) "Planting" is from a verb which means "beget", "engender", generally, "produce", "bring about", "cause" (mostly of evils), "implant in", "to plant" (especially trees), "to set-up" and specifically, "to plant with trees". When used as a noun, means "father" or, in plural, "parents". This word has several different meanings that work here and is a form of wordplay. This is not a participle forming a progressive or continuous tense,  but an active verb, "fathered".

and -- (IW) This word is not in the Greek source. IW - Inserted Word-- The "and" doesn't exist in the source.

building; --- "Build" is a word that specifically means "build a house", generally, "build", "fashion", "found upon" and, metaphorically, "build up" and "edify". The English word "construct" may come closest. This is not a participle forming a progressive or continuous tense, but an active verb, "built".


ὁμοίως [29 verses](adj sg fem nom) "Likewise" is homoios, which means "like", "resembling," "the same", "equal in force", "a match for one", "suiting", "of the same rank", "alike", "in like manner," and "equally". 

καθὼς [36 verses] (adv) "Also" is kathos, which means "even as", "how" and, in relating to time, "as" and "when".

ἐγένετο [117 verses]( verb 3rd sg aor ind mid ) "It was" is ginomai, which means "to become", "to come into being", "to happen", of things "to be produced", of events "happen", (passive) "take place", "come to pass", "to be engaged in", math "to be multiplied into", "become one of", "turn into". It means changing into a new state of being. When the participle takes a predicate, the sense is "coming into" something. This verb also has a number of special meanings with different prepositions. It is the complementary opposite of the verb "to be" (eimi) which indicates existence in the same state. A genitive object indicates the time during which it "happens" or a date on which it "falls". A dative object indicates to whom it happens.

ἐν [413 verses](prep) "In" is en, which means, with its usual indirect (dative) object, "in", "on", "at", "by", "among", "within", "surrounded by", "in one's hands", "in one's power", "during" and "with" (in the sense of nearness). With a direct (accusative) object, it means "into", "on" and "for". Referring to time, it means. "in the course of" or "during". 

ταῖς [821 verses](article fem pl dat)  "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). It usually precedes a noun or changes the word it precedes (adjective, infinitive, participle, etc.) to act like a noun. When not preceding a word that can become a noun, takes the meaning of "the one" or, in the plural, "the ones".

ἡμέραις (noun fem pl dat) "Days" is hemera, which, as a noun, means "day", "a state or time of life", "a time" (poetic), "day break" and "day time." It is also and also has a second meaning, of "quiet", "tame" (animals), "cultivated" (crops) and "civilized" (people). -- The Greek word translated as "day" also means "time" in general, and refers specifically to the "daytime".

Λώτ: [3 verses](Hebrew nam) "Lot" is Lōt, which is the Hebrew name. 

ἤσθιον, ([30 verses]( verb 3rd pl imperf ind act) "They did eat"is esthio, which means "to eat", "devour", "fret", "vex" and to "take in one's mouth". It is also a metaphor for decay and erosion. 

ἔπινον ,[36 verses]  ( verb 3rd pl imperf ind act ) "They drank" is pino, which means "to drink", "to celebrate", and "soak up".

ἠγόραζον,[9 verses](verb 1st sg aor ind act) "They bought" is agorazo, which means "to occupy a marketplace", "to buy in the market" and "to buy for oneself".

ἐπώλουν, [12 verses](verb 1st sg aor ind act) "They sold"  is poleo, which means "to sell", "to exchange", "to barter", "to offer to sell" and "to retail". Metaphorically, it means to "give up" and "betray". In the passive, it means "to be sold", "to be offered for sale" and, of persons, "to be bought and sold" and "betrayed".

ἐφύτευον, [7 verses]( verb 3rd pl imperf ind act ) "They planted" is from phyteuo, which means "beget", "engender", generally, "produce", "bring about", "cause" (mostly of evils), "implant in", "to plant" {especially trees), "to set-up" and specifically, "to plant with trees". When used as a noun, means "father" or, in plural, "parents". 

ᾠκοδόμουν: [18 verses]( verb 3rd pl imperf ind act ) "They builded" is oikodomeo, which means to "build a house", generally, "build", "fashion", "found upon" and, metaphorically, "build up" and "edify". 

parallel comparison

This verse abbreviated the ideas, vocabulary, and word forms of Luke 17:26 and Luke 17:27.

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