Matthew 5:23 Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar,

Spoken to
an individual

Sermon on Mount, law and fulfillment, visible and invisible, killing and anger


Matthew 5:23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;​


Matthew 5:23 Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, 

3RD (NLT, if not otherwise identified)

Matthew 5:23 So if you are presenting a sacrifice[fn] at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you,


When you present your offering at the altar,  do you heal yourself? You might be reminded that your brother has something against you.


In this verse, Jesus changes from addressing the crowd with a plural "you", to addressing  an individual with a singular "you". In English, the plural and singular "you" look the same, but not in Greek. Why the change? The obvious reason is that Jesus was addressing an individual in his audience.

The word translated as "there" in the phrase "and there rememberest." is not the common adverb for "there," which appears in the very next verse and that Jesus uses many times, but one that one Jesus used only three time. This word is also a verb that means "you (singular) heal yourself", and, specifically "you make amends". Obviously, the topic here is "making amends". The verb's form would also be appropriate for responding to a conditional statement. The word for "amends" is not used by Jesus elsewhere, but Jesus commonly uses another word when he wants to say "there." Finally, it could also be the noun tht mens "cure" or "remedy" in a form that would mean "to a cure" or "as a cure."


You make a visible sacrifice for yourself not for anyone you have injured.

  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "bring" means "bring to" or "offer."
  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "to" means "bring to" or "upon" and "before."
  • MM -- Many Meanings -- This word "there" has several different meanings that work here and is a form of wordplay.
  • WF - Wrong Form -  The "rememberest" is not an active verb but a passive one, "should be reminded."
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "ought" does not mean "nothing" but "something."
  • MM -- Many Meanings -- This word "there" has several different meanings that work here and is a form of wordplay.
  • WF - Wrong Form -  The "remember" is not an active verb but a passive one, "should be reminded."
  • IP - Inserted Phrase-- The phrase "or sister" doesn't exist in the source.
  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "a" means "the."
  • IP - Inserted Phrase-- The phrase "in the Temple" doesn't exist in the source.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "there" is not shown in the English translation.
  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "someone" means "brother."
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "of yours" is not shown in the English translation.
  • WF - Wrong Form -  The "remember" is not an active verb but a passive one, "should be reminded."


Therefore -- The Greek word translated as "therefore" primarily means "certainly". This "certainty" contrasts with the "possibility" of the first word. However, this word is also used to continued a discussion so it best might be translated as "then." This word refers back to the previous verse, Matthew 5:22, describing getting angry with your brother.

if -- The Greek word meaning "if might" indicates more of an expectation of something happening than "if" alone. This is often how we use the word "when".

thou -- This is from the second-person, singular form of the verb.

bring -- (WW) The Greek word translated as "thou bring" literally means "bring in front of"and has the meaning of "to offer" and "to present." Its root is the common word for "bring."  The verb is in the form of something that "might" happen, as it should be with the leading "if". The word is specifically used to describe offering sacrifices. The "you" here is singular. While Jesus generally addresses his listeners in the plural, this might indicate he is addressing someone specifically as in answering a question.

thy -- The word translated as "thy" is the possessive form of the second person pronoun. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, "the." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more. 

gift -- The Greek word translated as "gift" also specifically means "votive offerings" so it is again, a specific word. However, the word is introduced by a definitive article, "the gift" not "a gift." So there is a specific gift being referred to here, so this statement seems to be the answer to a question about a gift. The "your" is also singular.

to -- (WW) The word translated as "to" is not the preposition normally translated as "to," but the one that primarily means "on", "before", or "against." Jesus usually used it to mean "upon." However, the prefix of the verb means "in front of" so "before" works as well.

the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article. The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those") that the English "the." See this article for more. 

altar, -- "Altar" is a Greek noun that means "altar." It is also an adjective that means "sacrificial." This is not the standard Greek word for "altar" but one that appears first in the Greek OT. It is used only in Judeo/Christian Greek writings.

and  there -- -- (MM) "And there" is translated from a Greek contraction meaning "and there" and "and then,"  but in logic means "and in the intelligible world." It is also is a form of a verb that means "you (singular) heal yourself", and, specifically "you make amends". Obviously, the topic here is "making amends". However, the form makes verb's form means to "heal yourself" or to "make amends for yourself". Finally, it could also be the noun tht mens "cure" or "remedy" in a form that would mean "to a cure" or "as a cure."

rememberest -- (WF) The Greek verb translated as "rememberest" is in the passive: "you might or should be reminded." Since this phase begins with the word meaning "in that place" and "cure," the idea is that being at the altar should remind us of our mistakes. This verb is also in the form of something that might happen so it looks like it is part of an "if" statement as well.

that -- The word translated as "that" introduces a statement of fact or cause, "for what", "because", "since," and "wherefore."

thy -- The word translated as "thy" is the possessive form of the second person pronoun. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, "the." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more. 

brother -- The word translated as "brother" means a biological brother, any kinsmen, and more broadly and friend or associate.

hath  -The word translated as "hath" means "to possess" or "to keep," but it isn't used in the same way as a "helper" verb that the English "have" is.

ought -- (CW) The word translated as "ought" means "something", "someone", "anything," and similar ideas.

against -- The "against" primarily "down" but it is often used in our sense of "against". It has the sense that we have in English of someone being "down on" something as being "against" it.

thee;​ -- The word translated as "thee" is the possessive form of the second person pronoun. This from is required by the preposition.



So -- The Greek word translated as "therefore" primarily means "certainly". This "certainty" contrasts with the "possibility" of the first word. However, this word is also used to continued a discussion so it best might be translated as "then." This word refers back to the previous verse, Matthew 5:22, describing getting angry with your brother.

if -- The Greek word meaning "if might" indicates more of an expectation of something happening than "if" alone. This is often how we use the word "when".

you -- This is from the second-person, singular form of the verb.

are  -- This helping verb indicates the present tense of the verb.

presenting -- The Greek word translated as "thou bring" literally means "bring in front of"and has the meaning of "to offer" and "to present." Its root is the common word for "bring."  The verb is in the form of something that "might" happen, as it should be with the leading "if". The word is specifically used to describe offering sacrifices. The "you" here is singular. While Jesus generally addresses his listeners in the plural, this might indicate he is addressing someone specifically as in answering a question.

-- (WW) This word is not the indefinite article, but the Greek definite article, "the." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more. 

sacrifice -- The Greek word translated as "sacrifice " also specifically means "votive offerings" so it is again, a specific word. However, the word is introduced by a definitive article, "the gift" not "a gift." So there is a specific gift being referred to here, so this statement seems to be the answer to a question about a gift. The "your" is also singular.

missing "of  yours"-- (MW) The untranslated word "your " is the possessive form of the second person pronoun. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."

at -- The word translated as "to" is not the preposition normally translated as "to," but the one that primarily means "on", "at," "before", or "against." Jesus usually used it to mean "upon." However, the prefix of the verb means "in front of" so "before" works as well.

the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article. The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those") that the English "the." See this article for more. 

altar, -- "Altar" is a Greek noun that means "altar." It is also an adjective that means "sacrificial." This is not the standard Greek word for "altar" but one that appears first in the Greek OT. It is used only in Judeo/Christian Greek writings.

in the Temple -- (IP) There is nothing that can be translated as "in the Temple " in the Greek source.

and  -- This is from the first part of the contraction means "and there."

missing "there"-- (MW) This is from the second part of the contraction "and there." It is also is a form of a verb that means "you (singular) heal yourself", and, specifically "you make amends". Obviously, the topic here is "making amends". However, the form makes verb's form means to "heal yourself" or to "make amends for yourself". Finally, it could also be the noun tht mens "cure" or "remedy" in a form that would mean "to a cure" or "as a cure."

suddenly   -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "suddenly" in the Greek source.

remember -- (WF) The Greek verb translated as "rememberest" is in the passive: "you might or should be reminded." Since this phase begins with the word meaning "in that place" and "cure," the idea is that being at the altar should remind us of our mistakes. This verb is also in the form of something that might happen so it looks like it is part of an "if" statement as well.

that -- The word translated as "that" introduces a statement of fact or cause, "for what", "because", "since," and "wherefore."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, "the." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this", "that", "these", "those"). See this article for more.

someone -- (WW) The word translated as "brother" means a biological brother, any kinsmen, and more broadly and friend or associate.

missing "your"  -- (MW) The untranslated word  "your" is the possessive form of the second person pronoun. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."

has -- The word translated as "has " means "to possess" or "to keep," but it isn't used in the same way as a "helper" verb that the English "have" is.

something -- The word translated as "something " means "something", "someone", "anything," and similar ideas.

against -- The "against" primarily "down" but it is often used in our sense of "against". It has the sense that we have in English of someone being "down on" something as being "against" it.

you;​ -- The word translated as "you" is the possessive form of the second person pronoun. This from is required by the preposition.


ἐὰν (conj) "If" is from ean, which is a conditional particle (derived from ei (if)and an (might)) which makes reference to a time and experience in the future that introduces but does not determine an event.

οὖν (adv) "Therefore" is from oun, which means "certainly", "in fact", "really", "in fact," "so" and "then" (continuing a narrative), and "then" and "therefore." However, with the introductory "if" the sense becomes more "when."

προσφέρῃς [7 verses](2nd sg pres subj act) "Thou bring" is prosphero (προσφέρω), which means literally "to bring in front of" also means "to bring to, " "to bring upon", "to apply to," [without dat] "to apply, use, or use", "to add to", "to present", "to offer", "to address [proposals]", "to convey [property]", "to contribute", "to pay", "to be carried towards [passive]", "to attack", "to assault", "to go toward", "to deal with", "to take [food or drink]," to exhibit", "to declare," and "to lead to."

τὸ (article)  Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). --

δῶρόν (noun sg neut acc) "Gift" is from doron which means "gift", "present," and specifically a "votive gift" or "offering" to a god. The simpler term without the sense of a votive offering is "dorea."

σου (adj sg masc gen) "Thy" is from su which means "you" and "your."

ἐπὶ" (prep) "To" is from epi which means "on", "upon", "at", "by", "before", "across," and "against."

τὸ (article) "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). 

θυσιαστήριον [7 verses] (noun sg neut acc) "Altar" is from thysiasterion , which means "altar."

κἀκεῖ [3 verses](adv) "And there" is kakei (κἀκεῖ), which is a contraction of kai ekei that means "and there", "and in that place", "and what is or happens there", "and events there", "and then [rarely of time]," and "and in an intelligible world."
OR (verb 2nd sg pres ind mp) "And there" is from akeomai, which means "to heal", "to cure", "to mend", "to repair" and "make amends. OR [3 verses](noun sg neut dat) akos, which means "a cure" or "a remedy." In the NT it is translated as "against my will."

μνησθῇς (2nd sg aor subj pass) "Rememberest" is from mnaomai, which means "to remind", "to put in mind", "to recall to memory", "to remember," and "to give heed to."

ὅτι (adv) "That" is from hoti, which introduces a statement of fact "with regard to the fact that", "seeing that," and acts as a causal adverb meaning "for what", "because", "since," and "wherefore."

(article)  Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"). -

ἀδελφός (noun sg masc nom) "Brother" is from adelphos (adelphos),which means "son of the same mother", "kinsman", "colleague", "associate," and "brother."

σου (adj sg masc gen) "Thy" is from su which means "you" and "your."

ἔχει (3rd sg pres ind act) "Hath" is from echo, which means "to have", "to hold", "to possess", "to keep", "to have charge of", "to maintain", "to hold fast", "to bear", "to keep close", "to keep safe," and "to have means to do."

τι (pron sg neut nom) "Ought" is from tis which can mean "someone", "any one", "everyone", "they [indefinite]","many a one", "whoever", "anyone", "anything", "some sort", "some sort of", "each", "any", "the individual", "such," and so on. In a question, it can mean "who", "why," or "what."

κατὰ (prep) "Against" is from kata, which means "downwards", "down from", "down into", "against", "down toward", "opposite", "separately", "individually", "at a time", "towards", "in accordance with", "concerning", "corresponding with", "during the course of a period," and "severally."

σοῦ, (adj sg masc gen) "You" is from sou which means "you" and "your."


 The word form translated as "and there" is also the form of a noun meaning "a cure" or "a remedy," and a verb (2nd sg pres ind mp) meaning "to heal" and "to cure," which provide more meaning to the context. 

Unimportant Opinions and Imaginings

As the Distinguished elders sat and our laughter gradually faded, the mousy little man with the striped headdress from Joppa jumped in.  
“Can offering gifts at the temple make up for my offenses against a brother?” the mousy man asked, returning to his earlier topic.
The Master chuckled and gestured for the little man to join him on the speaker’s mound.
“When, in fact, you present that gift of yours on that altar, are you healing yourself?” the Teacher said, restating the man’s question.
“It doesn’t feel like it,” the little man admitted as he walked up.
“You might be remembering,” the Teacher explained warmly, as he put an arm around the little man, “that this brother of yours has something against you!”
The man from Joppa laughed as many of us did as well.

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