ἂν [60 verses](particle) "Should be" is an , which is a particle used with verbs to indicate that the action is limited by circumstances or defined by conditions. There is no exact equivalent in English, but it is translated as "possibly," "would have," "might," "should," and "could." Its meaning is largely determined by the verb form but "would have" is the most common, even when not with a subjunctive verb. -- Untranslated is a particle used with verbs to indicate that the action is limited by circumstances or defined by conditions. There is no exact equivalent in English but "possibly" is close. This word works similarly to the "might" or "should" of a subjunctive verb, but we don't want to confuse it with the subjunctive so using "possibly" provides a consistent translation. This particle usually suggests the subjunctive form of the verb but can be used without it. Its meaning is largely determined by the verb form but "would have" is the most common, even when not with a subjunctive verb. The same Greek letters can always be the more common conjunction meaning "when," so this meaning comes from context.