δοξάσω [18 verses] (1st sg fut ind act) "Honour" is doxazo, which primarily means "to think", "to expect", "to imagine," or "to suppose." Secondarily, it means "to magnify" or "to extol," which is where we get the "glorify" used most often in NT translation. The English term "to recognize" carries the same sense of both seeing a person in the mind and honoring them. -- (CW) The Greek term translated as "glorify" is a word that primarily means "to imagine" and "to expect." It also means "to honor" in a sense. However, the word that it comes closest to in English is "to recognize." Jesus often uses it in the sense of "recognize" as we use the word to mean "honor," but with the additional sense of identifying someone. The verb form also has the sense of spreading someone's good reputation, so "publicized and "proclaimed" can also work. More about this word in this article. CW - Confusing Word -- The word translated as "glorify" is more like "recognize."