
δύναται [61 verses](3rd sg pres ind mp) "Can" is the verb, dynamai, which means "to have power by virtue of your own capabilities," "to be able," and "to be strong enough." -- (CW, WV) The word translated as "can" means having the power or possibly a desire to accomplish something. Often, in English, "can" is a helper verb, indicating a possibility. In Greek, it indicates ability or power. This is the active verb here, not a helper verb. It takes an infinitive as "have the ability" does in English. In English, "can" is a helper verb, indicating a possibility. See this article. CW - Confusing Word -- The "can" is not a helper verb, but the active verb in the sentence. The verb here is translated as active but it is either the passive or middle voice where the subject acts on/by/for themselves. WV --Wrong Voice - The verb "can" is translated as active but it is passive either the passive or middle voice where the subject acts on/by/for themselves. This is not an active verb, but an infinitive. WF - Wrong Form -  The "infinitive" is not an active verb but an infinitive, "to infinitive."

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