Luke 17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone

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Jesus says this to his followers after telling them what is will be like when he returns. 


Luke 17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.


Luke 17:29 But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.


That, however, day Lot went out from Sodom, it rained fire and sulfur gas from a sky and it demolished everyone.


This verse has one unique word for Jesus, meaning "sulfur gas, a word that he quotes from the Septuagint, the Greek version of the OT, Genesis 19:24. The "rained" refers to rain and moistening with water. It wasn't used in the verse about Noah, but it clearly connects the two verses. It comes before the "fire" and "sulfur" so it might have been a trick played on his listeners. 


This was the fire next time, but it didn't take everyone. 



       δὲ            ἡμέρᾳ ἐξῆλθεν   Λὼτ ἀπὸ Σοδόμων, “ἔβρεξεν  πῦρ καὶ θεῖον
That, however, day      went out Lot from Sodom,       it rained fire  and sulfur gas 

ἀπ᾽      οὐρανοῦκαὶ ἀπώλεσεν       πάντας.
from a sky            and it demolished everyone.


But the same(IW) day that (IW) Lot went out of(CW) Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven(CW), and destroyed them(IW) all.

  • IW - Inserted Word-- The "same" doesn't exist in the source.
  • IW - Inserted Word-- The "that " doesn't exist in the source.
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "of" does not capture the word's specific meaning.
  • CW --Confusing Word -- The word, "heaven," is a religious concept, but this word just means "sky".
  • IW - Inserted Word-- The "them" doesn't exist in the source.




But the day Lot left (MW) Sodom, fire(WF) and sulfur(WF)  rained down(IW) from heaven(CW) and destroyed them(IW) all.

  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "from" after "left" is not shown in the English translation. 
  • WF -- Wrong Form -  This "fire" is not a subject but an object.
  • WF -- Wrong Form -  This "sulfur" is not a subject but an object.
  • IW - Inserted Word-- The "down" doesn't exist in the source.
  • CW --Confusing Word -- The word, "heaven," is a religious concept, but this word just means "sky".
  • IW - Inserted Word-- The "them" doesn't exist in the source.



But  -- The Greek word translated as "but" means "but", "yet", "however" and "on the other hand". It joins phrases in an adversarial way. Since it always falls in the second position, translating it as "however" often captures its feeling better. 

 the -- The word translated as "the" is a demonstrative pronoun ("this", "that"), but it often acts as a pronoun, "he", "she", "it", "which", "what", "who", "whosoever", "where", "when", "for which reason" and many similar meanings. In the neuter, plural, its sense is "these things". In this form, it also means "as". The definite article, "the", is very similar and their forms overlap.

same -- (IW) This word is not in the Greek source

day  -- The Greek word translated as "day" also means "time", in general, and refers specifically to the "daytime".

that -- (IW) This word is not in the Greek source

Lot -- "Lot" is the Hebrew name. 

went out  -- The word translated as "went out" means literally "to go or come out", but it has a secondary meaning of "making something come true". In some verses, its sense is "started out" from the primary meaning of its root.

of -- (CW) The word translated as "of" means "from" in both locations and when referring to a source or a cause. It also means the instrument "by" which a thing is done and "away from". It is not the word form usually translated as "of". Referring to time, it means "from" and "after".

Soddom --"Sodom" is from Greek spelling of the biblical town of Sodom, destroyed in the OT alone by a hail of fire. The odd thing is that the word seems to have a plural ending on it.

 it -- This is from the third-person, singular form of the verb.

rained -- The Greek word translated on "rained" means "to moisten" and "to wet", but it has a lot of additional meanings including "to bath in sweat", "to shower", and "to get drunk". Ir doesn't have any direct connection to the word "rain" in the same way we use "shower on" to mean "rain on". However, this sense also has a specific sense of "showing with wealth". This is the verb from of the Greek word that means "rain" and "irrigation" and other ideas of moistening from it rained. 

fire  -- "Fire" is a noun that means "fire", "sacrificial fire", "funeral fire", and so on, but Christ only uses this word to describe the fire of a trash dump. He usually uses it with the word that is translated as "hell" but which was the name of the burning trash dump outside of Jerusalem. Though the word appears in sixteen verses of the KJV, two of those verses do not appear in today's Greek source and modern versions of the Bible.

and -- The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and", but it also is used to add emphasis, "even", "also" and "just".

brimstone -- "Brimstone" is a Greek verb that the means to "fumigate with brimstone" in the form of an adjective so "gassing with sulfur" is the idea.  This word is in a form first seen in the Greek version of the Genesis describing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

from -- The word translated as "from" means "from" in both locations and when referring to a source or a cause. It also means the instrument "by" which a thing is done and "away from". It is not the word form usually translated as "of". Referring to time, it means "from" and "after".

 heaven, -- (CW) The word translated as "heaven" means simply the "sky", but it can also mean the "climate" or the "universe".  It was used to indicate the realm of higher concepts such as ideals and values. It also meant the home of the gods in a physical sense: the sun, moon, and planets were named for the gods. More about the word in this article. 

and -- The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and" but it also is used to add emphasis, "even", "also" and "just".

destroyed -- The word translated as "destroyed " means to "destroy" or "demolish" and means "perish" in the passive. However, it can also mean to "lose" things. Its literal meaning from its root is "destroy from" or "ruin from". It is often used in the middle voice to describe people losing or destroying themselves.

them -- (IW) This word is not in the Greek source

all -- The word translated as "all" is the Greek adjective meaning "all", "the whole", "every" and similar ideas. When it is used as a noun, we would say "everything". As an adverb, it means "in every way", "on every side" and "altogether".


But  -- The Greek word translated as "but" means "but", "yet", "however" and "on the other hand". It joins phrases in an adversarial way. Since it always falls in the second position, translating it as "however" often captures its feeling better. 

 the -- The word translated as "the same" is a demonstrative pronoun ("this", "that"), but it often acts as a pronoun, "he", "she", "it", "which", "what", "who", "whosoever", "where", "when", "for which reason" and many similar meanings. In the neuter, plural, its sense is "these things".

day  -- The Greek word translated as "day" also means "time", in general, and refers specifically to the "daytime".

Lot -- "Lot" is the Hebrew name. 

left   -- The word translated as "left" means literally "to go or come out", but it has a secondary meaning of "making something come true". In some verses, its sense is "started out" from the primary meaning of its root.

missing "from"  -- (MW) The untranslated word "from" means "from" in both locations and when referring to a source or a cause. It also means the instrument "by" which a thing is done and "away from". It is not the word form  usually translated as "of". Referring to time, it means "from" and "after".

Soddom --"Sodom" is from Greek spelling of  the biblical town of Sodom, destroyed in the OT alone by a hail of fire. The odd thing is that the word seems to have a plural ending on it.

 it -- This is from the third-person, singular form of the verb.

fire  -- (WF) "Fire" is a noun that means "fire", "sacrificial fire", "funeral fire" and so on, but Christ only uses this word to describe the fire of a trash dump. He usually uses it with the word that is translated as "hell" but which was the name of the burning trash dump outside of Jerusalem. Though the word appears in sixteen verses of the KJV, two of those verses do not appear in today's Greek source and modern versions of the Bible. This is not a subject but an object. 

and -- The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and", but it also is used to add emphasis, "even", "also" and "just".

sulfur-- "Sulfur" is a Greek verb that the means to "fumigate with brimstone" in the form of an adjective so "gassing with sulfur" is the idea. This word is in a form first seen in the Greek version of Genesis describing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is not a subject but an object. 

rained -- The Greek word translated on "rained" means "to moisten" and "to wet", but it has a lot of additional meanings including "to bath in sweat", "to shower" and "to get drunk". Ir doesn't have any direct connection to the word "rain" in the same way we use "shower on" to mean "rain on". However, this sense also has a specific sense of "showering with wealth". This is the verb from of the Greek word that means "rain" and "irrigation" and other ideas of moistening.

down -- (IW) This word is not in the Greek source

from -- The word translated as "from" means "from" in both locations and when referring to a source or a cause. It also means the instrument "by" which a thing is done and "away from". It is not the word form usually translated as "of". Referring to time, it means "from" and "after".

 heaven, -- (CW) The word translated as "heaven" means simply the "sky". but it can also mean the "climate" or the "universe".  It was used to indicate the realm of higher concepts such as ideals and values. It also meant the home of the gods in a physical sense: the sun, moon, and planets were named for the gods. More about the word in this article. 

and -- The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and", but it also is used to add emphasis, "even", "also" and "just".

destroyed -- The word translated as "destroyed" means to "destroy" or "demolish" and means "perish" in the passive. However, it can also mean to "lose" things. Its literal meaning from its root is "destroy from" or "ruin from". It is often used in the middle voice to describe people losing or destroying themselves.

them -- (IW) This word is not in the Greek source

all -- The word translated as "all" is the Greek adjective meaning "all", "the whole", "every" and similar ideas. When it is used as a noun, we would say "everything". As an adverb, it means "in every way", "on every side", and "altogether".


 [294 verses]( pron sg fem dat )  "The same" is hos, which means "this", "that", "he", "she", "it", "which", "what," "who", "whosoever", "where", "when", "for which reason" and many similar meanings. In the neuter, plural, its sense is "these things".

δὲ [446 verses](conj) "But" is de which means "but", "yet" "however" and "on the other hand". It is the particle that joins sentences in an adversarial way but can also be an explanation of an indirect cause ("so") and a condition ("if"). In an  "if" (εἰ) clause or temporal "when" (ὅταν) clause the sense is "if/when... then". In a series begun by men, it means "on the other hand". In a listing, the sense is "then" or "yet". After an interruption, "so then". It can also be an explanation of cause ("so") and a condition ("if").  In a listing, the sense is "then" or "yet\". After an interruption, "so then".

ἡμέρᾳ  [96 verses( noun sg fem dat ) "Day" is hemera, which, as a noun, means "day", "a state or time of life", "a time" (poetic), "day break" and "day time". It also has a second meaning, of "quiet", "tame" (animals), "cultivated" (crops) and "civilized (people)".

ἐξῆλθεν [54 verses]( verb 3rd sg aor ind act ) "Went out" is exerchomai, which means "to come or go out of ", "to march forth", "go out on", "to stand forth", "to exceed all bounds", "to come to an end", "to go out of office", and [of dreams or prophecies] "to come true".

Λὼτ [uncommon](Hebrew nam) "Lot" is Lōt, which is the Hebrew name.

ἀπὸ [190 verses]​(prep) "of" is apo, a preposition of separation which means "from" or "away from" from when referring to place or motion, "from" or "after" when referring to time, "from" as an origin or cause. It also means the instrument "by" which a thing is done. Referring to time, it means "from" and "after".  Usually takes the genitive object. As a prefix, means "asunder", "completing", "ceasing", "back again" and "by way of abuse".

Σοδόμων,[5 verses](Hebrew place name, pl masc dat) "Sodom" is from Sodoma, which means the biblical town of Sodom, destroyed in the OT alone by a hail of fire.

ἔβρεξεν  [3 verses](3rd sg pres ind act) "Rained" is brecho, which means "to wet", "to moisten", "to shower" [with wealth], "to bath" [in sweat], "to get drunk", "to rain", "to send rain" and "to be filled with water". 

πῦρ [14 verses] ( noun sg neut nom/acc) "Fire" is pyr (pur), which means "fire", "sacrificial fire", "funeral fire", "hearth-fire", "lightning", "the light of torches" and "heat of fever".

καὶ [1089 verses](conj/adv) "And" is kai, which is the conjunction joining phrases and clauses, "and" or "also". After words implying sameness, "as" (the same opinion as you). Used in series, joins positive with negative "Not only...but also". Also used to give emphasis, "even", "also" and "just". In a series, it can be translated as "not only...but also". After words implying sameness "as". 

θεῖον {θείων } [1 verse](noun sg masc acc)  "Brimstone" is theion, which in the form shown is either an adjective ( adj sg neut acc )  means "from or of the gods" or the adjective form ( part sg pres act neut acc ) of the verb that means to "shine" or "gleam", so "shining". However, it is more likely an alternative spelling with a long "o" that is the verb that means "fumigate with brimstone" in the adjective form (part sg pres act neut acc) "gassing with sulfur". 

ἀπ (prep) "From" [190 verses]​(prep) "from" is apo, a preposition of separation which means "from" or "away from" from when referring to place or motion, "from" or "after" when referring to time, "from" as an origin or cause. It also means the instrument "by" which a thing is done. Referring to time, it means "from" and "after".  Usually takes the genitive object. As a prefix, means "asunder", "completing", "ceasing",  "back again" and "by way of abuse".

οὐρανοῦ  .[111 verses](noun sg masc gen) "Heaven" is the Greek ouranos, which means "heaven as in the vault of the sky", "heaven as the seat of the gods", "the sky", "the universe" and "the climate". It was not the religious concept of heaven. The word is plural, "skies".

καὶ [1089 verses](conj/adv) "And" is kai, which is the conjunction joining phrases and clauses, "and" or "also". After words implying sameness, "as" (the same opinion as you). Used in series, joins positive with negative "Not only...but also". Also used to give emphasis, "even", "also" and "just". In a series, it can be translated as "not only...but also". After words implying sameness "as". 

ἀπώλεσεν  [43 verses] ( verb 3rd sg aor ind act ) "Destroyed" is apollymi, which means "to demolish", "to lay waste", "to lose" things, "to perish", "to die", "to cease to exist" and "to be undone". Its literal meaning from its root is "destroy from" or "ruin from". The passive, "to be lost" is formed by the middle voice.  

πάντας. [212 verses]( adj pl masc acc ) "Them all" is pas, which means "all", "the whole", "every", "anyone", "all kinds" and "anything". In the adverbial form, it means "every way", "on every side", "in every way" and "altogether". 

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