Asked by the Sadducees about the resurrection of the dead, Jesus quotes Moses "I, the God of Abraham."
Mark 12:27 He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: you therefore do greatly err.
Mark 12:27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!
Mark 12:27 So he is the God of the living, not the dead. You have made a serious error.
He is not a god of the dead instead of the living. Greatly do you are lead yourselves astray.
One hidden key to this verse is that Jesus doesn't use an article before the word for God as he usually does. He doesn't say "the God" but "a god." This is consistent with his point, which is about the differences between the Greek and Judean views of the Divine. For context on this verse, see this article on the concept of Gods of Death and Life.
We cannot assume that Jesus is basing his logic here on God using the present tense, as opposed to the past tense, of the verb "to be" in the verse Jesus quotes in the previous verse. The "am" there was added. There is no verb, but the verb is assumed by the use of the "I" pronoun in the form of a subject and "God" in the form of a subject. However, while the verb "to be" can be assumed to equate them, we cannot assume the present tense. In the Greek version of this story (Exo 3:6), the Hebrew verb "to be" is not used either.
Also hidden is the relationships between the adjective translated as "greatly," "badly," or "serious," and the final verb, translated as "err," "mistaken," and "error." The verb means "to lead astray." When used for distances, instead of numbers, the adjective means "far" or "long." So the sense of the phrase is that his challenges are being lead or leading themselves a great distance from the truth. Its form can mean either that that his challenges have been led astray or have led themselves astray.
We are all living and always living to the Divine.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "the" doesn't exist in the source and isn't otherwise justified.
- CW - Confusing Word -- The "but" is not the common word usually translated as "but."
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "the" doesn't exist in the source and isn't otherwise justified.
- OS -- Outdated Source -- The Greek word translated as "God" existed in the KJV Greek source but not the source we use today.
- OS -- Outdated Source -- The Greek word translated as "therefore" existed in the KJV Greek source but not the source we use today.
- WV -- Wrong Voice -- This verb is a middle voice, which requires a "by/for yourselves" or a "yourselves" as an object.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "the" doesn't exist in the source and isn't otherwise justified.
- CW - Confusing Word -- The "but" is not the common word usually translated as "but."
- WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "badly" means "greatly."
- WF - Wrong Form - The "mistaken" is an active verb not the past participle, "mistaken."
- WV -- Wrong Voice -- This verb is a middle voice, which requires a "by/for yourselves" or a "yourselves" as an object.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "so" doesn't exist in the source and isn't otherwise justified.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "the" doesn't exist in the source and isn't otherwise justified.
- MW - Missing Word -- The conjunction "instead" is not shown in the English translation.
- WT - Wrong Tense - The verb "have" seems to indicate an action completed in the past, but the tense not that.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "made" doesn't exist in the source and isn't otherwise justified.
- IW - Inserted Word -- The word "a" doesn't exist in the source and isn't otherwise justified.
- WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "serious" means "greatly."
- WF - Wrong Form - The "error" is an active verb not a noun, "to err."
- WV -- Wrong Voice -- This verb is a middle voice, which requires a "by/for yourselves" or a "yourselves" as an object.
He -- This is from the third-person, singular form of the following verb.
is -- The verb "is" here is the common form of "to be" in Greek. It means to have a certain characteristic or remain in a certain condition. It also equates terms or assigns characteristics.
not -- The Greek word translated as "not" is the Greek negative used to deny objective facts, not opinions. It makes a negative statement of fact. Adding "really" to the sentence captures the same idea. This word begins the verse, making it seem like he is answering a question with a "no."
the -- (IW) There is no Greek word that is translated as "the" in the source we use today nor was there one in the source that the KJV translators used. It was added for theological reasons. There is no indefinite article in Greek, but when a word doesn't have a definite article, the indefinite article can be added in English translation.
God -- The word translated as "God" means "God" and "deity." It is introduced with an article, so "the God." Jesus often uses it this way perhaps to indicate the one God as opposed to the pagan gods.
of -- This word comes from the genitive case of the following word(s) that required the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is the "of" of possession, but it can also mean "belonging to," "part of", "which is", "than" (in comparisons), or "for", "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs.
the -- There is no Greek word that is translated as "the" in the source we use today nor was there one in the source that the KJV translators used. It was added for clarity because in English we often use "the" with plural nouns.
dead, -- The word translated as "the dead" means "corpse", "a dying man," and "inanimate, non-organic matter." Christ uses it in all three senses, referring to the actual dead, the spiritually dead, and inanimate matter. The word is a plural adjective used as a noun.
but -- (CW) The Greek word translated as "but" denotes an exception or simple opposition. It is used to emphasize the contrast between things like we use "instead," "but instead,"or "rather." It is not the common word usually translated as "but." It is the Greek word "other" like we use "otherwise." Jesus almost always uses this conjunction to connect a negative clause, "not this," with a positive one, "instead this."
the -- (IW) There is no Greek word that is translated as "the" in the source we use today nor was there one in the source that the KJV translators used. It was added for theological reasons. There is no indefinite article in Greek, but when a word doesn't have a definite article, the indefinite article can be added in English translation.
God -- (OS) There is nothing in the Greek that can be translated as "therefore" in the source we use today but it does exist in the source that the KJV translators used.
of -- This word comes from the genitive case of the following word(s) that required the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is the "of" of possession, but it can also mean "belonging to," "part of", "which is", "than" (in comparisons), or "for", "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs.
the - There is no Greek word that is translated as "the" in the source we use today nor was there one in the source that the KJV translators used. It was added for clarity because in English we often use "the" with plural nouns.
living: "Living" is a verb that means "to live", "the living," and "to be alive." It is a metaphor for "to be full of life", "to be strong," and "to be fresh." The form is that of an adjective, "living." The adjective is used as a noun.
you -- This is from the second-person, plural form of the following verb.
therefore -- (OS) There is nothing in the Greek that can be translated as "therefore" in the source we use today but it does exist in the source that the KJV translators used.
do -- This helping verb indicates the present tense of the following veb, but the tense of that verb could also be the simple past or the verb of possibility. Helping verbs are not needed in Greek since the main verb carries this information in its form.
greatly -- The word translated as "greatly" means many in number, great in power or worth, and large in size. It is not in the form of an adverb, but adjectives and adverbs are more exchangeable in Greek.
err. "Err" is a verb that means "to cause to wander", "to lead astray", "to mislead", "to wander", "to stray," and "to be misled." The form is clearly either the passive or the middle voice, indicating a person acting on themselves. The tense is uncertain.
missing "yourselves"-- (WV) A phrase is necessary because the form of the previous verb is a middle voice, which means that the subject is to act on "yourselves," "for yourselves" or "by yourselves."
He -- This is from the third-person, singular form of the following verb.
is -- The verb "is" here is the common form of "to be" in Greek. It means to have a certain characteristic or remain in a certain condition. It also equates terms or assigns characteristics.
not -- The Greek word translated as "not" is the Greek negative used to deny objective facts, not opinions. It makes a negative statement of fact. Adding "really" to the sentence captures the same idea. This word begins the verse, making it seem like he is answering a question with a "no."
the -- (IW) There is no Greek word that is translated as "the" in the source we use today nor was there one in the source that the KJV translators used. It was added for theological reasons. There is no indefinite article in Greek, but when a word doesn't have a definite article, the indefinite article can be added in English translation.
God -- The word translated as "God" means "God" and "deity." It is introduced with an article, so "the God." Jesus often uses it this way perhaps to indicate the one God as opposed to the pagan gods.
of -- This word comes from the genitive case of the following word(s) that required the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is the "of" of possession, but it can also mean "belonging to," "part of", "which is", "than" (in comparisons), or "for", "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs.
the -- There is no Greek word that is translated as "the" in the source we use today nor was there one in the source that the KJV translators used. It was added for clarity because in English we often use "the" with plural nouns.
dead, -- The word translated as "the dead" means "corpse", "a dying man," and "inanimate, non-organic matter." Christ uses it in all three senses, referring to the actual dead, the spiritually dead, and inanimate matter. The word is a plural adjective used as a noun.
but -- (CW) The Greek word translated as "but" denotes an exception or simple opposition. It is used to emphasize the contrast between things like we use "instead," "but instead," or "rather." It is not the common word usually translated as "but." It is the Greek word "other" like we use "otherwise." Jesus almost always uses this conjunction to connect a negative clause, "not this," with a positive one, "instead this."
of -- This word comes from the genitive case of the following word(s) that required the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is the "of" of possession, but it can also mean "belonging to," "part of", "which is", "than" (in comparisons), or "for", "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs.
the - There is no Greek word that is translated as "the" in the source we use today nor was there one in the source that the KJV translators used. It was added for clarity because in English we often use "the" with plural nouns.
living: "Living" is a verb that means "to live", "the living," and "to be alive." It is a metaphor for "to be full of life", "to be strong," and "to be fresh." The form is that of an adjective, "living." The adjective is used as a noun.
you -- This is from the second-person, plural form of the following verb.
are -- This helping verb indicates the passive voice and present tense of the following veb, but voice could also be active, and middle, the tense of that verb could also be the simple past and the verb could be the mood of possibility. There is not verb "to be" int he text. Helping verbs are not needed in Greek since the main verb carries this information in its form.
badly-- (WW) The word translated as "badly" means many in number, great in power or worth, and large in size. It is not in the form of an adverb, but adjectives and adverbs are more exchangeable in Greek.
mistaken. -- (WF) "Mistaken" is an active verb not an verb in the form of an adjective that means "to cause to wander", "to lead astray", "to mislead", "to wander", "to stray," and "to be misled." The form is either the passive or the middle voice, indicating a person acting on themselves. The tense and mood also offer several possibilities.
missing "yourselves"-- (WV) A phrase is necessary because the form of the previous verb is a middle voice, which means that the subject is to act on "yourselves," "for yourselves" or "by yourselves."
So -- (IW) There is no Greek word that can be translated as "it" in the Greek source.
he -- This is from the third-person, singular form of the following verb.
is -- The verb "is" here is the common form of "to be" in Greek. It means to have a certain characteristic or remain in a certain condition. It also equates terms or assigns characteristics.
the -- (IW) There is no Greek word that is translated as "the" in the source we use today nor was there one in the source that the KJV translators used. It was added for theological reasons. There is no indefinite article in Greek, but when a word doesn't have a definite article, the indefinite article can be added in English translation.
God -- The word translated as "God" means "God" and "deity." It is introduced with an article, so "the God." Jesus often uses it this way perhaps to indicate the one God as opposed to the pagan gods.
of -- This word comes from the genitive case of the following word(s) that required the addition of a preposition in English. The most common is the "of" of possession, but it can also mean "belonging to," "part of", "which is", "than" (in comparisons), or "for", "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs.
the - There is no Greek word that is translated as "the" in the source we use today nor was there one in the source that the KJV translators used. It was added for clarity because in English we often use "the" with plural nouns.
living: "Living" is a verb that means "to live", "the living," and "to be alive." It is a metaphor for "to be full of life", "to be strong," and "to be fresh." The form is that of an adjective, "living." The adjective is used as a noun. This translation flips the "living" and "dead" adjectives so living comes first. In the Greek, "dead" comes first.
missing "instead"-- (MW) The untranslated word "instead" denotes an exception or simple opposition. It is used to emphasize the contrast between things like we use "rather". It is the Greek word "other" like we use "otherwise".
not -- The Greek word translated as "not" is the Greek negative used to deny objective facts, not opinions. It makes a negative statement of fact. Adding "really" to the sentence captures the same idea. This word begins the verse, making it seem like he is answering a question with a "no."
the -- There is no Greek word that is translated as "the" in the source we use today nor was there one in the source that the KJV translators used. It was added for clarity because in English we often use "the" with plural nouns.
dead, -- The word translated as "the dead" means "corpse", "a dying man," and "inanimate, non-organic matter." Christ uses it in all three senses, referring to the actual dead, the spiritually dead, and inanimate matter. The word is a plural adjective used as a noun.
You -- This is from the second-person, plural form of the following verb.
have -- (WT) This helping verb "have" indicates that the following verb is the tense indicating an action competed in the past. While this verb could be several tenses, it is not this past perfect.
made -- (IW) There is no Greek word that can be translated as "made" in the Greek source.
a -- (IW) There is no Greek word that can be translated as "a" in the Greek source. This word can be added before singular nouns without a definite article, but there are not nouns here in the Greek.
serious -- (WW) The word translated as "serious" means "many" in number, "great" in power or worth, and large in size. It is not in the form of an adverb, but adjectives and adverbs are more exchangeable in Greek.
error. -- (WF) "Error" is not a noun, but an active verb that means "to cause to wander", "to lead astray", "to mislead", "to wander", "to stray," and "to be misled." The form is either the passive or the middle voice, indicating a person acting on themselves. The tense and mood also offer several possibilities.
missing "yourselves"-- (WV) A phrase is necessary because the form of the previous verb is a middle voice, which means that the subject is to act on "yourselves," "for yourselves" or "by yourselves."
οὐκ [269 verses](adv) is ou which is the negative adverb for facts and statements, negating both single words and sentences. The other negative adverb, μή applies to will and thought; οὐ denies, μή rejects; οὐ is absolute, μή relative; οὐ objective, μή subjective.
ἔστιν .[614 verses](verb 3rd sg pres ind act) "He is" is eimi, which means "to be", "to exist", "to be the case," of circumstance and events "to happen", and "is possible." (The future form is esomai. The 3rd person present indicative is "esti.")
θεὸς [144 verses](noun sg masc nom) "God" is theos, which means "God," "divine," and "Deity."
νεκρῶν [21 verses](adj pl masc gen) "Of the dead" is nekros, which specifically means "a corpse" as well as a "dying person", "the dead as dwellers in the nether world", "the inanimate," and "the inorganic"
ἀλλὰ [154 verses](conj) "But" is alla, which means "instead," "otherwise," "but," "still," "at least," "except," "yet," nevertheless," "rather," "moreover," and "nay." Followed by οὐ, the sense is "still," and "at least." Followed by γὰρ. the sense is "but really" and "certainly."
ζώντων, . [15 verses] (part pl pres act masc gen ) "Of the living" is zao, which means "to live", "the living," and "to be alive." It is a metaphor for "to be full of life", "to be strong," and "to be fresh."
πολὺ [61 verses]( adj sg neut acc ) "Greatly" is polys, which means "many (in number)", "great (in size or power or worth)," and "large (of space)." As an adverb, it means "far", "very much", "a great way," and "long."
πλανᾶσθε. [12 verses](verb 2nd pl imperf ind mp or verb 2nd pl pres subj mp or verb 2nd pl pres ind mp ) "Do...err" is planao which means "to cause to wander", "to lead astray", "to mislead", "to wander", "to stray," and "to be misled."
The joke here is about wandering a great distance, specifically the distances between life and death. This is lost in the standard English translation. Jesus even gets in a little alliteration to make his point even more entertaining. The terms translated as "greatly err," which really means "wander" or "go astray" "a great way" is polys planao.