Matthew 10:14 And whoever does not receive you,

Spoken to

Sending of Apostles, unfriendly households and towns


Matthew 10:14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.


Matthew 10:14  If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

3RD (NLT, if not otherwise identified)

Matthew 10:14 If any household or town refuses to welcome you or listen to your message, shake its dust from your feet as you leave.



And that one when he doesn't want to welcome you nor hear those ideas of yours, departing outside that house or that city, that one there, you shake the dirt off of those feet of yours.


Both the words for "shake off" and "dust" are uncommon words for Jesus. The word meaning "dust" also means a "dirty fellow." This verse changes the discussion from a household to a singular person not welcoming or listening to the Ones Sent.  This  change of context and this may indicate that Jesus is answering a question. An important word meaning "outside" is not translated in the English translations. However, it makes an important point that the "shaking out the dust" is not something that is done in front of people  outside the city or house. Since the next verse is about the city itself, but that is not the context here. 


The dirt is not listening is dirtier than regular dirt.

  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "shall" does not mean the future tense.
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "not" is the subjective negative of opinion with the sense of "not wanting," "not thinking" or not seeming when used with a non-opinion verb.
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The word translated as "receive" means "welcome."
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • IW - Inserted Word -- The word "when" doesn't exist in the source.
  • IW - Inserted Word -- The word "ye" doesn't exist in the source.
  • WF - Wrong Form -  The "depart" is not an active verb but a participle, "departing."
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "and" is not shown in the English translation.
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "if" has more of a sense of
  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "will" should be something more like "might."
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "not" is the subjective negative of opinion with the sense of "not wanting," "not thinking" or not seeming when used with a non-opinion verb.
  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "or" should be something more like "nor" or "but not."
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • WF - Wrong Form -  The "leave" is not an active verb but a participle, "leaving."
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "outside" is not shown in the English translation.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • IW - Inserted Word -- The word "and" doesn't exist in the source.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "and" is not shown in the English translation.
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "if" has more of a sense of "when."
  • CW - Confusing Word -- The "any" has more of a sense of "the one that."
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "outside" is not shown in the English translation.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "refused" should be something more like "not."
  • WF - Wrong Form -  The "to welcome" is not an infinitive but an active verb, "welcome."
  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "or" should be something more like "nor" or "but not."
  • MW - Missing Word -- The word "the" is not shown in the English translation.
  • WN  - Wrong Number- The word "message" is translated as singular but it is plural .
  • WW - Wrong Word -- The word translated as "its" should be something more like "the."
  • IP - Inserted phrase-- The phrase "as you" doesn't exist in the source.
  • WF - Wrong Form -  The "leave" is not an active verb but a participle, "leaving."

And -- The Greek word translated as "and" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis ("also") and, In a series, it can be translated as "not only...but also."

missing "when"-- (MW) The untranslated word "if might" indicates more of an expectation of something happening than "if" alone. This is often how we use the word "when."

whosoever -- The word translated as "Whoever" is a demonstrative pronoun, but it often acts as a pronoun, especially a connective pronoun introducing a clause, "the one that."

shall  -- (CW) This helping verb "shall" does not indicate the future tense, but that the verb describes a possibility, the subjunctive voice. A "might" or "should" in English is more appropriate, but is assumed in an "if/when/whoever/except" clause. Helping verbs are not needed in Greek since the main verb carries this information in its form.

not -- (CW) The negative, "not," used here is the Greek negative of a subjective opinion, commands, and requests. The sense is that "you don't want" to do something, not that it isn't done. If it wasn't done, the objective negative of fact would be used. More about the Greek negative in this article.

receive -- (CW) "Receive" is a Greek verb word, when applied to people as it is here, means "to welcome," "to grant access," or "to receive with hospitality. It is in a form that indicates the subject doing this for or by themselves. This is not the Greek word usually translated as "receive" in the Gospels.

you, -- The "you" here is plural, indicating many of Christ's listeners.

nor -- The word for "nor" is the Greek subjective negative, "not" plus the Greek word for "but." The negative is the one of opinion used above.

hear -- "Hear" is translated from a Greek word that has the same sense as the English not only of listening but of understanding.

your -- The word translated as "your" is a plural, second-person pronoun in the genitive case. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

words,  -- "Words" is translated from a Greek word that means "calculation," or "reasoning." It is the source of our word "logic" and is the root word for all the English words that end in "-logy." Most biblical translations translated it as "word" for somewhat poetic reasons. Much more about this word in this article.

when -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "when" in the Greek source. It is added because the incorrect form of the verb "depart."

ye --  (IW) This would from the second-person, plural form of the verb, but the following verb is not active and doesn't have a person.

depart -- (WF) The word translated as "depart" means literally "to go or come out," but it has a secondary meaning of "making something come true." It is in the form of an adjective used as an adjective, "coming or going out." 

out -- The word translated as "out" means "out of a place" and "outside."  This word is important because you don't want to show disrespect in the house or community.

of  -- This word "of"  comes from the genitive case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English.  The most common is the "of" of possession, but it can also mean "belonging to," "part of," "which is," "than" (in comparisons), or  "for," "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs. 

that -- The word translated as "that" is a word that means "that person there" but it comes later in the phrase, related to "city" not "house."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

house -- The Greek word translated as "house," in Christ's time, was not only the physical building but the whole household, its members, its property, business interests, and position in the community, all connected to the "name" of the head of the house.

or -- "Or" is translated from a Greek word that means primarily "or" but serves as "than" in a comparison. The same word could also be the exclamation "hi" or the adverb meaning "in truth."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

city, -- The Greek word for "city" meant not only a city but a nation, culture, or a society. It worked something like the word "community" today.

shake off -- The word translated as "shake off" means "to shake out" while cleaning. Its form could either be a command or a statement about what you do at that time. This is a uncommon word that Jesus only uses here and in this verse's parallel in Mark.

the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

dust -- The word translated as "dust" means a cloud of dust or dirt. It is also a metaphor for a dirty person. It is a rare word for Christ. This tends to indicate a double meaning.

of  -- This word "of"  comes from the genitive case of the following word that requires the addition of a preposition in English.  The most common is the "of" of possession, but it can also mean "belonging to," "part of," "which is," "than" (in comparisons), or  "for," "concerning" or "about" with transitive verbs. 

your -- The word translated as "your" is a plural, second-person pronoun in the genitive case. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

feet. -- The word translated as "feet" refers to human feet, birds's talons, and trampling things. Feet were the dirtiest part of the body and are still considered unclean in the Middle East.


missing "and"-- (MW) The untranslated word "and" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis ("also") and, In a series, it can be translated as "not only...but also."

If --   (CW) The Greek word translated as "if" means "if might" and indicates more of an expectation of something happening than "if" alone. This is often how we use the word "when."

anyone -- The word translated as "anyone" is a demonstrative pronoun, but it often acts as a pronoun, especially a connective pronoun introducing a clause, "the one that."

will -- (WW) This helping verb "will" does not indicate the future tense, but that the verb describes a possibility, the subjunctive voice. A "might" or "should" in English is more appropriate, but is assumed in an "if/when/whoever/except" clause. Helping verbs are not needed in Greek since the main verb carries this information in its form.

not -- (CW) The negative, "not," used here is the Greek negative of a subjective opinion, commands, and requests. The sense is that "you don't want" to do something, not that it isn't done. If it wasn't done, the objective negative of fact would be used. More about the Greek negative in this article.

welcome --  "Welcome " is a Greek verb word, when applied to people as it is here, means "to welcome," "to grant access," or "to receive with hospitality. It is in a form that indicates the subject doing this for or by themselves.

you, -- The "you" here is plural, indicating many of Christ's listeners.

or -- (WW) The word for "nor" is the Greek subjective negative, "not" plus the Greek word for "but." The negative is the one of opinion used above.

listen -- "Hear" is translated from a Greek word that has the same sense as the English not only of listening but of understanding.

to -- This preposition is needed because listen requires an indirect object, but it doesn't appear in the Greek.

your -- The word translated as "your" is a plural, second-person pronoun in the genitive case. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

words,  -- "Words" is translated from a Greek word that means "calculation," or "reasoning." It is the source of our word "logic" and is the root word for all the English words that end in "-logy." Most biblical translations translated it as "word" for somewhat poetic reasons. Much more about this word in this article.

leave -- (WF) The word translated as "leave" means literally "to go or come out," but it has a secondary meaning of "making something come true." It is in the form of an adjective used as an adjective, "coming or going out." 


missing "outside"-- (MW) The untranslated word "outside" means "out of a place" and "outside."  This word is important because you don't want to show disrespect in the house or community.


that -- The word translated as "that" is a word that means "that person there" but it comes later in the phrase, related to "city" not "house."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

home -- The Greek word translated as "home," in Christ's time, was not only the physical building but the whole household, its members, its property, business interests, and position in the community, all connected to the "name" of the head of the house.

or -- "Or" is translated from a Greek word that means primarily "or" but serves as "than" in a comparison. The same word could also be the exclamation "hi" or the adverb meaning "in truth."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

town, -- The Greek word for "town" meant not only a city but a nation, culture, or a society. It worked something like the word "community" today.

and -- (IW) There is nothing that can be translated as "and" in the Greek source. It is added because the previous particle was changed to an active verb.

shake -- The word translated as "shake " means "to shake out" while cleaning. Its form could either be a command or a statement about what you do at that time. This is a uncommon word that Jesus only uses here and in this verse's parallel in Mark.

the -- The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

dust -- The word translated as "dust" means a cloud of dust or dirt. It is also a metaphor for a dirty person. It is a rare word for Christ. This tends to indicate a double meaning.

off  -- This is from the prefix of the previous verb that means "out of" or "from."

your -- The word translated as "your" is a plural, second-person pronoun in the genitive case. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

feet. -- The word translated as "feet" refers to human feet, birds's talons, and trampling things. Feet were the dirtiest part of the body and are still considered unclean in the Middle East.

EACH WORD 3RD (NLT or as noted)

missing "and"-- (MW) The untranslated word "and" is used as the conjunction "and," but it also is used to add emphasis ("also") and, In a series, it can be translated as "not only...but also."

If --   (CW) The Greek word translated as "if" means "if might" and indicates more of an expectation of something happening than "if" alone. This is often how we use the word "when."

any -- (CW) The word translated as "any" is a demonstrative pronoun, but it often acts as a pronoun, especially a connective pronoun introducing a clause, "the one that." This is not the word usually translated as "anyone" or "anything."

missing "outside"-- (MW) The untranslated word "outside" means "out of a place" and "outside."  This word is important because you don't want to show disrespect in the house or community.

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

household -- The Greek word translated as "household," means "house," but in Christ's time, was not only the physical building but the whole household, its members, its property, business interests, and position in the community, all connected to the "name" of the head of the house.

or -- "Or" is translated from a Greek word that means primarily "or" but serves as "than" in a comparison. The same word could also be the exclamation "hi" or the adverb meaning "in truth."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

town, -- The Greek word for "town" meant not only a city but a nation, culture, or a society. It worked something like the word "community" today.

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word "that" is a word that means "that person there" but it comes later in the phrase, related to "city" not "house."

refuses -- (WW) The "refuses" is from the Greek negative, "not," used here is the Greek negative of a subjective opinion, commands, and requests. The sense is that "you don't want" to do something, not that it isn't done. If it wasn't done, the objective negative of fact would be used. More about the Greek negative in this article.

to -- This word is added to make the following word an infinitive when it is not.

welcome --  (WF) "Welcome " is a Greek verb word, when applied to people as it is here, means "to welcome," "to grant access," or "to receive with hospitality. It is not an infinitive but an active verb in a form that indicates that this is "might happen" and that the subject doing this for or by themselves.

you, -- The "you" here is plural, indicating many of Christ's listeners.

or -- (WW) The word for "nor" is the Greek subjective negative, "not" plus the Greek word for "but." The negative is the one of opinion used above.

listen -- "Hear" is translated from a Greek word that has the same sense as the English not only of listening but of understanding.

to -- This preposition is needed because listen requires an indirect object, but it doesn't appear in the Greek.

your -- The word translated as "your" is a plural, second-person pronoun in the genitive case. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

message,  -- (WN) "Message" is translated from a Greek word that means "calculation," or "reasoning." It is the source of our word "logic" and is the root word for all the English words that end in "-logy." Most biblical translations translated it as "word" for somewhat poetic reasons. Much more about this word in this article.  The noun is plural not singular.

shake -- The word translated as "shake " means "to shake out" while cleaning. Its form could either be a command or a statement about what you do at that time. This is a uncommon word that Jesus only uses here and in this verse's parallel in Mark.

its -- (WW) The word translated as "the" is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

dust -- The word translated as "dust" means a cloud of dust or dirt. It is also a metaphor for a dirty person. It is a rare word for Christ. This tends to indicate a double meaning.

from -- This is from the prefix of the previous verb that means "out of" or "from."

your -- The word translated as "your" is a plural, second-person pronoun in the genitive case. This pronoun follows the noun so "of yours."

missing "the"  -- (MW) The untranslated word is the Greek definite article, which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one." The Greek article is much closer to our demonstrative pronouns ("this," "that," "these," "those"). See this article for more. 

feet. -- The word translated as "feet" refers to human feet, birds's talons, and trampling things. Feet were the dirtiest part of the body and are still considered unclean in the Middle East.

as you -- (IP) There is nothing that can be translated as "as you " in the Greek source.

leave -- (WF) The word translated as "leave" means literally "to go or come out," but it has a secondary meaning of "making something come true." It is in the form of an adjective used as an adjective, "coming or going out."


καὶ (conj) "And" is from kai, which is the conjunction joining phrases and clauses, "and," or "also." After words implying sameness, "as" (the same opinion as you). Used in series, joins positive with negative "Not only...but also." Also used to give emphasis, "even," "also," and "just." -

ὃς (pron sg masc nom) "Whoever" is from hos, which means "this," "that," "he," "she," "which," "what," "who," "whosoever," "where," "for which reason," and many similar meanings.

ἂν (particle) Untranslated is ean, which is a conditional particle (derived from ei (if)and an (might)) which makes reference to a time and experience in the future that introduces but does not determine an event.

μὴ (particle) "Not" is from me, which is the negative used in prohibitions and expressions of doubt meaning "not" and "no." As οὐ (ou) negates fact and statement; μή rejects, οὐ denies; μή is relative, οὐ absolute; μή subjective, οὐ objective.

δέξηται (3rd sg aor subj mid) "Shall... receive" is from dechomai, which means "welcome," "accept," and "entertain" when applied to people and "take," "accept," and "receive" when applied to things.)

ὑμᾶς (pron 2nd pl acc) "You" is from humas which is the plural form of su the pronoun of the second person, "you."

μηδὲ (partic) "Nor" is from mede, which means "and not," "but not," "nor," and "not."

ἀκούσῃ (3rd sg aor subj act) "Hear" is from akouo, which means "hear of," "hear tell of," "what one actually hears," "know by hearsay," "listen to," "give ear to," "hear and understand," and "understand."

τοὺς (article pl masc acc) Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"), which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one" or, in the plural, "the ones." --

λόγους (noun pl masc acc) "Word" is from logos, which means "word," "computation," "relation," "explanation," "law," "rule of conduct," "continuous statement," "tradition," "discussion," "reckoning," and "value."

ὑμῶν, (pron 2nd pl dat) "Your" is from humon, the plural possessive form of su the pronoun of the second person, "you."

ἐξερχόμενοι (part pl pres mp masc nom) "When ye depart" is from exerchomai, which means "to come or go out of " "to march forth," "go out on," "to stand forth," "to exceed all bdepartingounds," "to come to an end," "to go out of office," and [of dreams or prophecies] "to come true."

ἔξω (prep) "Out" is exo, which means "out of a place," "outside," "external things," and "beyond a time."

τῆς (article pl masc acc) Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"), which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one" or, in the plural, "the ones."

οἰκίας (noun sg fem gen) "House" is from oikia, which means "house," "building," and "household."

(conj) "Or" is e which is a particle meaning "either," "or," or "than."

τῆς (article sg fem gen) Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"), which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one" or, in the plural, "the ones." --

πόλεως (noun sg fem gen) "City" is from polis, which means "city," "citadel," "one's city," "one's country," "community," "state," "state affairs," and "civic duties."

ἐκείνης (adj sg fem gen) "That" is ekeinos, which means "the person there," "that person," "that thing," and, as an adverb, "in that case," "in that way," "at that place," and "in that manner."

ἐκτινάξατε [2 verses](verb 2nd pl aor ind act or verb 2nd pl aor imperat act) "Shake off" is ektinasso, which means "to shake out (in cleaning)," "to expel," "to shake off," "to make a disturbance," "to search thoroughly," "to kick out (of animals)," and in the passive "is thrown out."

τὸν (article sg masc acc) "The" is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"), which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one" or, in the plural, "the ones."

κονιορτὸν [3 verses](noun sg masc acc) "The dust" is koniortos, which means "dust raised or stirred up," "cloud of dust," and more generally,"dirt," or "sweepings," and, as a metaphor, "dirty fellow."

τῶν (article pl masc gen) Untranslated is the Greek definite article, hos, ("the"), which usually precedes a noun and, without a noun, takes the meaning of "the one" or, in the plural, "the ones." --

ποδῶν (noun pl masc gen) "Feet" is from pous, which means a "foot," "a talon [of a bird]," and the concept of "to trample" or "to tred upon."

ὑμῶν (pron 2nd pl gen) "Your" is from humon, the plural possessive form of su the pronoun of the second person, "you."


 There is a play on "coming out" and "shaking out" the dust. 

The word translated as "dust" also means a dirty fellow. 

Unimportant Opinions and Imaginings

“Easier said than done,” observed the Kid. “What if we can’t find any one in a town who is deserving enough to want to give us a meal and a bed?”
“Also what if no one wants to welcome you?”  asked the Master.
“We can sweet talk them,” suggested Thomas. “Win them over.”
“And not listen to those ideas of yours” added the Master.
“We may get kicked out by the town’s Distinguished,” agreed the Greek. “They are all warned against you.”
“We can’t argue with them like you do,” complained Thaddeus. “What do we do in a place like that?”
“Leaving out of that house or that village, the one like that,” the Master explained, standing and taking off a sandal and dusting off his feet, “you all shake out that dirt off those feet of yours.”

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