Eldridge, the leading published of Christian plays and musicals, has just published We Saw His Sermon on the Mount, a play based on my research into Jesus's words. This play can be accessed on their site via this link.
In this play, six witnesses to the Sermon on the Mount recreate the experience for an early assemblies of Christians. In their recreation, witnesses take turns acting as Jesus, audience members, and narrators of the story. Though much more entertaining and humorous than most translations of the Sermon, Jesus’s words in this version follow the original Greek word-for-word as much as possible so we can hear Jesus’s words in the order that He spoke them.
For those interested in seeing the articles of research that went into this play, read this article about Greek translation. For information on specific verses, see the list of articles that begins here. The Greek for the chorus is Matthew 4:17. while the actual sermon begins at Matthew 5:3